Begin to unlock your innate superpowers by becoming an initiate into Heka Mystery School. Here you will unlock your full potential and learn the secrets of True Tantra and the Tao.
I first created this mystery school during my first incarnation in the Motherland of Atlantis. Here I served as a High Priestess. Throughout infinite timelines and space, I have created many of these schools alongside my brother Osiris. These mystery schools have taught many deities as you have come to know such as:
Krishna and Rukmini
Yeshua (Jesus) and my fellow High Priestess Mary Magdalene
As well as other famous figures you know such as Emelia Earhart.
These are just to name a few who have been taught in this school of mystery. (At this time these are the names that wish to be revealed). Each of these beings have become fully individuated, immortal Beings.
When Atlantis came to its descent we fled to what is now known as Ancient Egypt. Although, at the time we knew it to be the land of Khem. There we continued our work with the initiates in the Temple of Unal.
There I lived as Queen and living Goddess manifested in 3D form to create the next program for evolving souls into light. It is through breath, water, and spine that will make our ascension and that the ancient mysteries of Atlantis will resurface. Sex Magic (The magic of creation) is how we will retrieve this information and come into our full power and immortal Spirit.
We all have innate gifts and abilities. However, very few know how to completely harness and utilize these abilities. Many get trapped into the illusion that they understand this power and don’t fully step into their full expression so that these powers can manifest fully. This traps you into 4D reality, otherwise known as a time loop, recreating scenario after scenario until the power is fully realized. Very few ever get out of the time loop (thus experiencing reincarnation).
However, if you have come across this image you have received a Divine invitation into the Heka Mystery School. You are a truly gifted human being. Your gifts are ready to be expressed and recognized across the globe to raise the once forgotten knowledge and practice of sacred sexuality. This wisdom will lead us all into a new world to be known as Drexciya (otherwise a New Eden). Sacred sexuality is what all humans are. Do not confuse sexuality with what modern day humanity has programmed you to believe. Sacred sexuality is who you are. The shame around our sexuality has blocked us all from realizing our true gifts. Sex magic is simply removing the shame and connecting you to your divine abilities and has nothing to do with the act of sex.
We have been traveling throughout time and space waiting for the right moment to launch the next School of Mystery. Humanity is finally ready to drink from this well of Divine Knowledge. If you are here, it means you are ready to drop your shame and guilt around your own sexuality and bring into physical manifestation your own inner expression of God/Goddess. It is only through the union of the Tao, masculine and feminine forces that one can connect with the phenomenal powers of Creation. You must become a Creator!
These secrets have not yet been revealed to humanity as you know it. This wisdom has been locked away in the secret scribes. Decade after decade the attempt to unlock the secrets written in these scribes and hieroglyphs have been attempted to be decoded. However, these secrets have been hidden, until now. This knowledge is very dangerous to humanity and the body if one is not ready to come into practice of these teachings.
There are a group of individuals who have been preparing themselves to begin their initiation. There are souls that are waiting to be birthed into this School of Mystery.
The gate is now open for said initiates to learn and imbibe in the pulsation of intercourse between the Cosmos and Mother Earth. The Tao, the yin and yang, which is the root of Universal Life.
If you are feeling called to drink from the fountain of life and become an immortal soul, attending one of our Heka retreats will begin to prepare you for your possible anointment.
Next retreat will be June 20-28, 2025 in Phuket, Thailand. Tuition is $6500 all inclusive: accommodations, food, spa services, transportation, and excursions. Additional fee: airfare, shopping, and services outside of what is offered throughout retreat. Deposit of $1500 is required to reserve your spot.
Mystery School is available to all ages.
Book me to speak or schedule a personal branding/marketing consultation, apply to attend a retreat, or just reach out regarding any of my projects. I am here to support and serve.