To those that desired to shut me down
Thank you for not believing in me
I owe all my success to you
You lit a fire under my ass to prove you all wrong
Thank you for all your lies about me
It led me to write truths about you
Thank you for the inspir…
Why does it feel like I always get overlooked
Why can’t I catch a break
Do you love others more than me?
What did I do to deserve this?
Was it in this lifetime or another?
Is this the price I must pay for my sins?
Accumulated karma?
I know I have …
My dear Brother Rumi once said “What you seek is seeking you?
Then why do we struggle to get what we seek?
Maybe we are seeking for the wrong things
This world is full of trickery and deception
Many distractions that hold you from the truth
Making u…
You took everything from me
My house
My car
My money
My clothes
My shoes
My relationship
My daughter
My health
My freedom
You whisper in my ear that my life doesn’t matter
Attempting to convince me I have no purpose
That this world is yours
It will be a cold day in hell
The day I listen to you
Telling me what to do
How I should live
How I should dress
Who I should love
I fall for your lies
Telling me I am worthless
That I don’t deserve
That my value l…
The momentary satisfaction that numbs away the pain
The memories
The hurt
The drip of temporary bliss that blocks away the depression
Of lost hopes
Lost dreams
The drip of a paycheck
The guaranteed direct deposit
Every two weeks
That encou…
Thank you for rescuing me
Thank you for helping me break the cycle of being strong and independent
Thank you for teaching me how to receive help
Thank you for guiding me
For leading me
Thank you for being the male presence I needed in my life
So you consider yourself spiritual/religious
But do you really understand spirituality
You think it's crystals and tarot cards
Horoscope and star signs
Sound bowls and reiki healing
Psychic readings and white linen
I see you love to talk ab…
Book me to speak or schedule a personal branding/marketing consultation, apply to attend a retreat, or just reach out regarding any of my projects. I am here to support and serve.