Addicted to the Drip

Addicted to the Drip


The momentary satisfaction that numbs away the pain

The memories

The hurt

The drip of temporary bliss that blocks away the depression

Of lost hopes

Lost dreams

The drip of a paycheck

The guaranteed direct deposit

Every two weeks

That encourages humanity to sacrifice purpose




In exchange for someone else’s dreams


And aspirations

Filling their pockets with green

Feeding their families

Fueling their expensive cars

Lighting their fancy homes

Funding their lavish vacations

Accepting their excuses that the economy isn’t right for a raise

Devaluing your service

Feeding you scraps

Robbing time away from your family

For the hope to climb the ladder

Every day watching the clock

Tick, Tock

Tick, Tock

Surviving another Monday

Just to get to Friday

To get another boost

Another drip that tells you that you must stay

Because you have bills to pay

Mouths to feed

Keeping you in a cyclical pattern of chasing money

Watching your dreams fade away

A sacrifice you must pay

To survive

To keep up with the Joneses

The fallacy of the American Dream

Get born

Go to school

Go in debt for even more education

Get a job

Find a partner

Get married

Have children

Buy a house

Finance a car

It’s all just a marketing ploy to train you to be a part of the system

Slavery never died

It simply evolved

We were taught artists can’t make money

But didn’t everything ever created come from an artist?

The house you live in

The car you drive

The clothes you wear

Those guys/gals are pretty rich, right?

Everything started with a thought

An idea from an artist

A leader

A visionary

A creative

Art is the new currency

Until we, as a humanity

Break the addiction of the drip

We will remain slaves

Freedom is expression

Freedom is responsibility

Freedom is the voice

We as humanity must get creative

To break out of this prison that was built for us

That they labeled as “we the people are free”

You must understand

Today’s truths are tomorrow’s fallacies

Don’t believe the lie

They don’t want us to be free

They fear being exposed

For the frauds that they are

Projecting their fear of lack onto you

Don’t live another day wasting away for someone else’s dream

You are the dream

You are the perfection

You are the Creator

It is time to break free

From the addiction to the drip

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